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To Sort Elements Of The Array Using Quick Sort Algorithm

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define max 15 int beg,end,top,i,n,loc,left,right; int array[max+1]; //contains the various elements. int upper[max-1],lower[max-1]; //two stacks to store two ends of the list. void main() { void enter(void); void quick(void); void prnt(void); clrscr(); enter(); //entering elements in the array top=i-1; //set top to stack if (top==0) { printf("  UNDERFLOW CONDITION "); getch(); exit(); } top=0; if(n>1) { top++; lower[top]=1;upper[top]=n; while ( top!=NULL ) { beg=lower[top]; end=upper[top]; top--; left=beg; right=end; loc=beg; quick(); if ( beg<loc-1) { top++; lower[top]=beg; upper[top]=loc-1; } if(loc+1<end) { top++; lower[top]=loc+1; upper[top]=end; } } //end of while } //end of if statement printf(" Sorted elements of the array are :"); prnt(); //to print the sorted array getch(); } //end of main void enter(void) { printf(" Enter the no of elements in the array:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf(" Enter the elements of the array :"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf(" Enter the %d element :",i); scanf("%d",&array[i]); } } void prnt(void) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf(" The %d element is : %d",i,array[i]); } } void quick() { int temp; void tr_fr_right(void); while( array[loc]<=array[right] && loc!=right) { right--; } if(loc==right) return ; if(array[loc]>array[right]) { temp=array[loc]; array[loc]=array[right]; array[right]=temp; loc=right; tr_fr_right(); } return ; } void tr_fr_right() { int temp; while( array[loc] > array[left] && loc!=left) { left++; } if(loc==left) return ; if(array[loc] < array[left]) { temp=array[loc]; array[loc]=array[left]; array[left]=temp; loc=left; quick(); } return ; }