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Categories / C / Data Structure Algorithm

Program for finding the transpose of a martix in sparse form

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int a[100][100],b[100][100]; void main() { int i,m,n,p,q,col,t; clrscr(); printf("Enter the no. of rows"); scanf("%d", &a[0][0]); printf(" Enter the no. of cols"); scanf("%d", &a[0][1]); printf(" Enter the number of non zero terms"); scanf("%d", &a[0][2]); for(i=1;i<=a[0][2];i++) { printf(" Enter the value (that is non zero)"); scanf("%d",&a[i][2]); printf(" Enter the row for %d : ",a[i][2]); scanf("%d",&a[i][0]); printf(" Enter the col for %d : ",a[i][2]); scanf("%d",&a[i][1]); } /* Printing for testing the sparse input */ printf(" ***************************** The martix you entered is ************************ Row Col Value "); for ( i = 0;i <= a[0][2];i++) { printf(" %d %d %d " , a[i][0],a[i][1],a[i][2]); } /* Calling function for evaluation of transpose */ m = a[0][0]; n = a[0][1]; t = a[0][2]; b[0][0] = n; b[0][1] = m; b[0][2] = t; q=1; for( col = 1; col <=n; col++) { for(p = 1; p<=t;p++) { if(a[p][1] == col) { b[q][0] = a[p][1]; b[q][1] =a[p][0]; b[q][2] = a[p][2]; q++; } } } //end of outer for loop /* Printing the transposed matrix */ getch(); printf(" The Transpose of the above matrix is "); for ( i = 0;i <= a[0][2];i++) { printf(" %d %d %d " , b[i][0],b[i][1],b[i][2]); } getch(); }