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Categories / C / Data Structure Algorithm

Linked List implementation

#include"m_list.h" void main() { list *first=NULL,*second=NULL,*third=NULL; int choice,i; char ch='y'; while(1) { clrscr(); printf(" case 1: Create list"); printf(" case 2: Add in the list"); printf(" case 3: Delete in the list"); printf(" case 4: Append two list"); printf(" case 5: show list"); printf(" case 6: Exit"); printf(" Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: //create list while(ch!='n') { printf(" Enter element : "); scanf("%d",&i); create(&first,i); printf(" Enter element (y/n) : "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); } break; case 2: //add in the list int c; clrscr(); printf(" case 1: Add in Beginning"); printf(" case 2: Add in End"); printf(" case 3: Add After a given element"); printf(" case 4: Return to main menu"); printf(" Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: add_at_beg(&first); break; case 2: add_at_end(&first); break; case 3: add_after_given_element(&first); break; case 4: break; } break; case 3: clrscr(); printf(" case 1: Delete in Beginning"); printf(" case 2: Delete in End"); printf(" case 3: Delete a specified element"); printf(" case 4: Return to main menu"); printf(" Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: del_at_beg(&first); break; case 2: del_at_end(&first); break; case 3: del_specified_element(&first); break; case 4: break; } break; case 4: char ch='y'; printf("Enter element in second list : "); while(ch!='n') { printf(" Enter element : "); scanf("%d",&i); create(&second,i); printf(" Enter element (y/n) : "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); } append(&third,first,second); break; case 5: //show list clrscr(); printf(" case 1: List 1"); printf(" case 2: List 2"); printf(" case 3: List 3"); printf(" Enter choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: show(first);break; case 2: show(second);break; case 3: show(third);break; } break; case 6: exit(0); } } } ********************************* #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct list { int info; struct list *next; }; //.................Function Declaration ........... void create(struct list **p,int i) { struct list *temp,*q=*p; temp=(struct list*)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); temp->info=i; temp->next=NULL; if(*p==NULL) *p=temp; else { while(q->next!=NULL) q=q->next; q->next=temp; } } int append(struct list **t,struct list *f,struct list *s) { struct list *temp=*t; if(f==NULL && s==NULL) return 0; while(f) { create(t,f->info); f=f->next; } while(s) { create(t,s->info); s=s->next; } return 0; } void show(struct list *p) { if(p==NULL) printf(" List is Empty"); else while(p) { printf("%d ",p->info); p=p->next; } getch(); } void add_at_beg(struct list **l) { struct list *temp=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); printf(" Enter element : "); scanf("%d",&temp->info); temp->next=NULL; if(*l==NULL) *l=temp; else { temp->next=*l; *l=temp; } } void del_at_beg(struct list **l) { list *temp; if(*l==NULL) { printf(" List is empty"); getch(); } else { temp=*l; *l=(*l)->next; free(temp); } } void add_at_end(struct list **l) { list *temp,*p; temp=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); printf(" Enter element : "); scanf("%d",&temp->info); temp->next=NULL; if(*l==NULL) *l=temp; else { p=*l; while(p->next!=NULL) p=p->next; p->next=temp; } } void del_at_end(struct list **l) { list *temp,*p; if(*l==NULL) { printf(" List is Empty"); getch(); } else if((*l)->next==NULL) { temp=*l; *l=NULL; free(temp); } else { p=*l; while(p->next->next!=NULL) p=p->next; temp=p->next->next; p->next=NULL; free(temp); } } void add_after_given_element(list **l) { list *temp,*p; int m; temp=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); printf(" Enter element : "); scanf("%d",&temp->info); printf(" Enter position after which element inserted : "); scanf("%d",&m); temp->next=NULL; if(*l==NULL) *l=temp; else { p=*l; while(p->next!=NULL) if(p->info==m) break; else p=p->next; temp->next=p->next; p->next=temp; } } void del_specified_element(list **l) { list *temp,*p,*q; int m; printf(" Enter element which is deleted : "); scanf("%d",&m); if(*l==NULL) { printf(" List is Empty"); getch(); } else if((*l)->next!=NULL && (*l)->info==m) { temp=*l; *l=(*l)->next; free(temp); } else if((*l)->next==NULL && (*l)->info==m) { temp=*l; *l=NULL; free(temp); } else { p=*l; while(p!=NULL) if(p->info==m) break; else { q=p; p=p->next; } temp=p; q->next=p->next; free(temp); } }