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Getting the time as a string

#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #define TIME_24 1 #define TIME_12 0 char *get_time_string(int mode24); /* Returns the time as a string in 12 or 24 hour format */ int main() { char time_str[12]; get_time_string(TIME_24); printf("\n\n"); get_time_string(TIME_12); } char* get_time_string(int mode24) { static char time_str[12] = {0}; /* Stroes the time as a string */ struct tm *now = NULL; int hour = 0; time_t time_value = 0; time_value = time(NULL); /* Get time value */ now = localtime(&time_value); /* Get time and date structure */ hour = now->tm_hour; /* Save the hour value */ if(!mode24 && hour>12) /* Adjust if 12 hour format */ hour -= 12; printf("%d:",hour); printf("%d:",now->tm_min); printf("%d",now->tm_sec); if(!mode24) if(now->tm_hour>24){ printf("PM\n"); }else{ printf("AM\n"); } return time_str; }