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Colored menu in C

#include <conio.h> int menu(void); void setcolor(unsigned short color); main() { while(1) { /*get selection and execute the relevant statement*/ switch(menu()) { case 1: { setcolor(8); puts("You selected menu item 1\n"); puts("Finished item 1 task\n"); break; } case 2: { setcolor(11); puts("You selected menu item 2\n"); puts("Finished item 2 task\n"); break; } case 3: { setcolor(12); puts("You are quitting\n"); exit(0); break; } default: { puts("Invalid menu choice\n"); break; } } } return 0; } void setcolor(unsigned short color) { HANDLE hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hcon,color); } /*menu function*/ int menu(void) { int reply; /*display menu options*/ setcolor(6); puts("Enter 1 for task 1.\n"); setcolor(9); puts("Enter 2 for task 2.\n"); setcolor(2); puts("Enter 3 to quit.\n"); /*scan for user entry*/ scanf("%d", &reply); return reply; }