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Simple Account software

#include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> union REGS i,o; char *menu[]={"1.Add Records","2.Show Records","3.Modify Records", "4.Del Records","5.Search Record","6.Exit"}; main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,choice=1,width=0,i,count,sr=0; char **buffer; FILE *m,*t; char sname[20]; long int size; char mrec; struct cust { char name[20]; int accno; float balance; }; struct cust s; m=fopen("C:\record.txt","rb+"); if(m==NULL) { t=fopen("C:\record.txt","wb+"); if(t==NULL) { printf("Error in opening file "); exit(); } } size=sizeof(s); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\Tc\Bgi"); setbkcolor(1); setcolor(11); if(initmouse()==0) { printf(" Mouse driver not loaded..."); exit(); } count=sizeof(menu)/sizeof(char *); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,0,3); displaymenu(menu,count,10,10); for(i=0;i<count;i++) { if(textwidth(menu[i])>width) width=textwidth(menu[i]); } // movemouseptr(&x1,&y1); buffer=malloc(sizeof(menu)); savemenu(menu,buffer,width,count,10,10); showmouseptr(); while (1) { displaymenu(menu,count,10,10); choice=getresponse(menu,buffer,width,count,10,10); gotoxy(50,15); hidemouseptr(); switch (choice) { case 1 : cleardevice(); fseek(m,0,SEEK_END); mrec='y'; gotoxy(1,1); while(mrec=='y') { printf(" Enter the Name of the Custumer "); scanf("%s",; printf(" Enter the of the Custumer "); scanf("%d",&s.accno); printf(" Enter the Balance of the Custumer "); scanf("%f",&s.balance); fwrite(&s,size,1,m); printf(" Are there more Records (Y/N)"); fflush(stdin); mrec=getche(); } printf("Press any key to go back to menu"); cleardevice(); break; case 2: cleardevice(); rewind(m); gotoxy(1,1); printf(" Name Acc.No Ammount Due "); sr=0; if(fread(&s,size,1,m)==1) { rewind(m); while(fread(&s,size,1,m)==1) { printf(" %30s%12d%23.2f",,s.accno,s.balance); sr++; } } else printf(" There is no record to Display"); printf(" There are %d Records",sr); printf(" Press any key to go back to menu"); getch(); cleardevice(); break; case 3: clearviewport(); mrec='y'; gotoxy(1,1); while(mrec=='y') { printf(" Enter the name of Customer whose rec. is to be modified "); scanf("%s",sname); // gets(sname); rewind(m); while (fread(&s,size,1,m)==1) { sr=0; if( strcmp (,sname)==0) { sr=1; // printf(" Enter new name,,Balance "); // scanf("%s%d%f",,&s.rollno,&s.percent); printf(" Enter the new Name of the Custumer "); scanf("%s",; // gets(; printf(" Enter the new of the Custumer "); scanf("%d",&s.accno); printf(" Enter the new Balance of the Custumer "); scanf("%f",&s.balance); fseek(m,-size,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&s,size,1,m); break; } } if(sr==0) printf(" Record "%s" is not found",sname); printf(" Modify more records (Y/N)"); fflush(stdin); mrec=getche(); } clearviewport(); break; case 4: clearviewport(); mrec='y'; gotoxy(1,1); while(mrec=='y') { printf(" Enter the name of the Customer to delete the rec "); scanf("%s",sname); // gets(sname); t=fopen("C:\stemp.txt","wb"); rewind (m); while(fread(&s,size,1,m)==1) { if(strcmp(,sname)!=0) fwrite(&s,size,1,t); } fclose(m); fclose(t); remove("C:\record.txt"); rename("C:\stemp.txt","C:\record.txt"); m=fopen("C:\record.txt","rb+"); printf("Delete more records (Y/N)"); fflush(stdin); mrec=getche(); } clearviewport(); // displaymenu(menu,count,10,10); // getch(); // choice=getresponse(menu,buffer,width,count,10,10); break; case 5: clearviewport(); mrec='y'; gotoxy(1,1); while(mrec=='y') { printf(" Enter the name of Customer whose rec. is to be Searched "); scanf("%s",sname); // gets(sname); rewind(m); while (fread(&s,size,1,m)==1) { sr=0; if( strcmp (,sname)==0) { // printf(" Enter new name,,Balance"); // scanf("%s%d%f",,&s.rollno,&s.percent); // fseek(m,-size,SEEK_CUR); // fwrite(&s,size,1,m); printf(" Record found"); printf(" Name Acc.No Ammount Due "); printf(" %30s%12d%23.2f",,s.accno,s.balance); sr=1; getch(); break; } } if(sr==0) printf(" Record "%s" is not found",sname); printf(" Search more records (Y/N)"); fflush(stdin); mrec=getche(); } clearviewport(); break; case 6: fclose(m); exit(); } showmouseptr(); } } displaymenu(char **menu,int count,int x1,int y1) { int i,h; h=textheight(menu[0]); for(i=0;i<count;i++) outtextxy(x1,y1+i*(h+5),menu[i]); } savemenu (char **menu,char **buffer,int width,int count,int x1,int y1) { int i,x2,yy1,yy2,area,h; h=textheight(menu[0]); for(i=0;i<count;i++) { x2=x1+width; yy1=y1+i*(h+5); yy2=y1+(i+1)*(h+5); area=imagesize(x1,yy1,x2,yy2); buffer[i]=malloc(area); getimage(x1,yy1,x2,yy2,buffer[i]); } } getresponse(char **menu,char **buffer,int width,int count,int x1,int y1) { int choice=1,prevchoice=0,x,y,x2,y2,button; int in,i,h; h=textheight(menu[0]); y2=y1+count*(h+5); x2=x1+width; rectangle(x1-5,y1-5,x2+5,y2+5); while(1) { getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); if (x>=x1&&x<=x2&&y>=y1&&y<=y2) { in=1; for(i=1;i<=count;i++) { if(y<=y1+i*(h+5)) { choice=i; break; } } if(prevchoice!=choice) { hidemouseptr(); highlight(buffer,choice,h,x1,y1); if(prevchoice) dehighlight(buffer,prevchoice,h,x1,y1); prevchoice=choice; showmouseptr(); } if((button & 1)==1) { while ((button & 1)==1) getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); if(x>=x1&&x<=x2&&y>=y1&&y<=y2) return(choice); } } else { if( in ==1) { in=0; prevchoice=0; hidemouseptr(); dehighlight(buffer,choice,h,x1,y1); showmouseptr(); } } } } highlight(char **buffer,int ch,int h,int x1,int y1) { putimage(x1,y1+(ch-1)*(h+5),buffer[ch-1],NOT_PUT); } dehighlight(char **buffer,int ch,int h,int x1,int y1) { putimage(x1,y1+(ch-1)*(h+5),buffer[ch-1],COPY_PUT); } /* initmouse */ initmouse() {; int86 (0x33,&i,&o); return(; } /* displays mouse pointer */ showmouseptr() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } hidemouseptr() {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } /*gets mouse coordinates and button status*/ getmousepos(int *button,int *x,int *y) {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); *button=o.x.bx; *; *y=o.x.dx; } movemouseptr(int *x,int *y) {; int86(0x33,&i,&o);*x; o.x.dx=*y; return 0; }