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Program to display decimal equivalent of a input binary number

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> void btod(int b[]); int c; void main() { int a[5],d,i,e,f,g; clrscr(); printf("What will be the length of input no.? "); scanf("%d",&c); printf("Don't exceed input from your input limit or 5 digits in any case"); printf(" Enter no.:- "); scanf("%d",&d); for (i=c-1;i>=0;--i) { e = pow(10,i); a[i] = d/e; d = d%e; } btod(a); printf(" HAVE A NICE DAY! BYE."); getch(); } void btod(int b[]) { int k,s=0,i,n; n=*b; for (i=c-1;i>=0;--i) { if (i>0) *b=*(b+i); else *b=n; if (*b==1) { k=pow(2,i); s=s+k; } } printf(" Its decimal equivalent is %d",s); return; }