Mega Code Archive

Categories / C / Beginners

Prg. to count no. of characters,no. of blanks,no. of words & no

of lines in a multi line string #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { char c,choice; int nc=0,nb=0,nw=1,nl=1,count,i/*,flag=1*/; clrscr(); scanf("%c",&choice); printf("ENTER STRING:- "); printf(" String will be terminated when you press Ctrl-Z."); printf(" STRING:- "); while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { switch(1) { case 1: if (c==EOF||c==' '||c==' ') ; else nc=nc+1; case 2: if (c==' ') { nc=nc+1; nb=nb+1; while((c=getchar())==' ') { nb=nb+1; nc=nc+1; } if (c!=' ') { nc=nc+1; nw=nw+1; } } case 3: if(c==' ') { nc=nc+1; nb=nb+1; nw=nw+1; nl=nl+1; } } } printf(" no. of characters is %d",nc); printf(" no. of blanks is %d",nb); printf(" no. of words is %d",nw); printf(" no. of lines is %d",nl); fflush(stdin); printf (" Do you want to continue?(y/n):- "); scanf("%c",&choice); getch(); }