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No guessing

#include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> int no=0; int client[4]; void calno(int); void main(){ clrscr(); int x[4],check,k,tiger,goat,score=1000; char ch; //Random no generation************************ randomize(); while(1){ x[0]=random(9); if(x[0]!=0) break; } while(1){ x[1]=random(9); if(x[0]!=x[1]) break; } while(1){ x[2]=random(9); if(x[2]!=x[1]&&x[2]!=x[0]) break; } while(1){ x[3]=random(9); if(x[3]!=x[2]&&x[3]!=x[1]&&x[3]!=x[0]) break; } //********************************************** for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ printf("%d",x[i]); } printf(" -----This is a game of goat and tiger------"); printf(" ________________________________________"); printf(" ***First read these instructions***"); printf(" 1.The no should be 4 digit no without 0 in the first place"); printf(" 2. The digit shouldn't be reapeated"); printf(" Do you agree the agreement and ready for the game(Y/N): "); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='n'||ch=='N') exit(0); printf(" -------------------------------------------------------"); printf(" ^^^^^^^^^Now you will have to guess the no^^^^^^^^:"); //starting of guessing****************** for(i=1;i<=10;i++){ tiger=0; goat=0; printf("Enter the %d guess: ",i); scanf("%d",&check); calno(check); for(int count=0;count<4;count++){ if(x[count]==client[count]) tiger=tiger+1; } printf(" You have got %d tiger",tiger); if(tiger==4) break; //---------------check for goat----------------------// for(int m=0;m<4;m++){ for(int n=0;n<4;n++){ if(client[m]!=x[m]){ if(client[m]==x[n]) goat=goat+1; } } } //-------------------------------------------// printf(" and %d goat ",goat); score=score-100; } if(tiger<4){ printf("-----Sorry u have lost the game-----"); printf("the no is "); for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ printf("%d",x[i]); } } else printf(" -----You have got the no in %d guess and you score is %d----",i,score); getch(); } void calno(int no){ int a=no,x,y; client[3]=a%10; x=a/10; client[2]=x%10; y=a/100; client[1]=y%10; client[0]=a/1000; }