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Item Value Header filestdlib.h Declarationvoid exit(int exit_code); Functioncauses immediate, normal termination of a program. Termination functions registered by atexit() are called, and any open files are flushed and closed. The value of exit_code is passed to the calling process. If the value of exit_code is zero, or EXIT_SUCCESS, normal program termination is assumed. A nonzero value, or EXIT_FAILURE, is used to indicate an implementation-defined error. #include <stdlib.h>   #include <stdio.h>   int main(void)   {     char choice;     do {       printf("Enter names (E)\n");       printf("Delete name (D)\n");       printf("Print (P)\n");       printf("Quit (Q)\n");       choice = getchar();     } while(!strchr("EDPQ", toupper(choice)));     if(choice=='Q') exit(0);     return choice;   }