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The switch statement

To take one of a number of possible actions. switch is preferred over multiple if...else statements. The general form of a switch statement is switch(switch_expr)      {        case constant expr1 :  S1;                               S2;                               break;        case constant expr1 :  S3;                               S4;                               break;        .....        default             :  S5;                               S6;                               break;      } The clause 'default' is optional. #include <stdio.h> main(){     int i,n = 5;         for(i = 1; i<n; i= i+1){         switch(i%2)         {             case 0 : printf("the number %d is even \n",i);                      break;             case 1 : printf("the number %d is odd \n",i);                      break;         }     } } the number 1 is odd the number 2 is even the number 3 is odd the number 4 is even